25.9.2019 - 25.09.2019

Parvez Imam bringt die Q Bar ins ECK

Von 12 bis 19 Uhr ist die Q-Bar im Eck zu Gast. Parvez Imam, der Künstler, der die Bar betreibt, wird persönlich ein stimulierendes Menü servieren. 

Website: www.parvezimam.net 

Email: parvezimam@gmail.com



About the Artist:

Parvez Imam is a multidisciplinary visual and performance artist from India, currently based in Basel. His practice emerges from the mundane and the routine. He engages with identity labels, status quo, reality, presence and absence often through a post-colonial lens. His background in Psychiatry and interest in the mind and the thought processes also manifest in his works.


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